Resource Library

Below, you will find Healthy Whatcom’s reports and educational resources on our work, including reports from Whatcom County and public health experts around the world whose frameworks and theories we implement.

CHIP / CHA reports:

CHIP: Community Health Improvement Plan
CHA: Community Health Assessment

2018 Community Snapshots:

Educational resources:

MAPP 2.0 User’s Handbook

Healthy Whatcom uses this handbook to complete a community-driven, multi-sector process to improve community health and achieve health equity.

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COVID-19 Impact Assessment

Published by the Whatcom County Health Department and the Public Health Advisory Board 

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COVID-19 Impact Assessment and Future Strategies

A research project conducted by students in the Western Washington University Sociology course: Population Health Advocacy, Spring 2021

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The Groundwater Approach: building a practical understanding of structural racism

Written by Bayard Love and Deena Hayes-Greene of the Racial Equity Institute 

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Racial Equity: Getting to Results

Published by the Government Alliance on Race & Equity, a national network of government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. Written by Erika Bernabei.

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The Results-Based Accountability Guide

Published by Clear Impact. Based on concepts and materials developed by Mark Friedman.

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Targeted Universalism: Policy & Practice

Published by Haas Institute: For A Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley. Written by john a. powell, Stephen Menendian, and Wendy Ake 

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Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America

Highlights actions that communities, organizations, businesses, governments and funders can take in the wake of COVID-19 and other tangled threats to our nation. It is a practical resource for everyone wanting to help America heal through the trauma of 2020 and secure the vital conditions that all people and places need to thrive.

Written By: Bobby Milstein, Monte Roulier, Christopher Kelleher, Elizabeth Hartig, and Stacy Wegley (editors). Published & Sponsored by CDC Foundation Well Being Trust. July 4, 2020.

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