Category: Data Snapshots

  • Parent/Caregiver Behavioral and Mental Health Support

    Parent/Caregiver Behavioral and Mental Health Support

    Strong mental health is the foundation of strong families. When parents and caregivers struggle with behavioral or mental health challenges, it can impact everyone in the household.  Data caption: Social supports play a significant role in promoting physical and mental well-being, potentially leading to a longer and healthier life. Lack of social support can magnify…

  • Health Care Access in Whatcom County

    Health Care Access in Whatcom County

    While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded health insurance access in Whatcom County, the focus is now shifting towards improving systems for those with complex needs and expanding health care access to rural communities. This includes supporting individuals with chronic conditions, mental health challenges, or other challenges that require ongoing care coordination. Data caption: Seeking…

  • Child & Youth Food Security in Whatcom County

    Child & Youth Food Security in Whatcom County

    Food security among youth promotes overall well-being, helping to build strong foundations for a healthy future. Access to nutritious food ensures appropriate physical growth and development in young people. Proper nutrition also improves cognitive development, allowing youth to learn effectively and reach their full potential. Data caption: Free and reduced school lunch programs ensure students…

  • Housing Affordability in Whatcom County

    Housing Affordability in Whatcom County

    Many struggle to afford housing in Whatcom County. While the federal standard suggests 30% of income spent on housing is reasonable, rising costs in other areas like child care and food can make this unrealistic. This highlights the need for solutions addressing the gap between stagnant housing affordability expectations and rising living costs. Data Caption:…

  • Child & Youth Mental Health in Whatcom County

    Child & Youth Mental Health in Whatcom County

    10th grade (around 15-16 years old) represents a crucial period in adolescent development. This age group is often considered the peak risk for developing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, compared to younger or older youth. Transitioning from middle school to high school can be stressful and challenging for many adolescents. They may face…

  • Early Learning & Care in Whatcom County

    Early Learning & Care in Whatcom County

    Very little data is available to help us understand children’s earliest experiences in Whatcom County, so kindergarten readiness is often used.  Data caption: In Whatcom County, roughly half of kindergarten-aged children demonstrate Kindergarten Readiness. Children entering kindergarten from families with low income are, on average, half as likely to demonstrate Kindergarten readiness as their Non-Low-Income…